
Calendar Ad Form

  • Dear Friend, 

    We are once again preparing to print an Aruba Jewish Calendar.

    The beautiful, colorful calendar for the New Year year 5785 corresponding to September 2024 - September 2025 will be distributed to every Jewish home on the Island (and of course all those who call Aruba their second home). This calendar will feature Jewish calendar dates alongside the secular calendar dates with all Jewish holidays and Shabbat times. It will feature an array of beautiful photos of the land of Israel and will be a stunning fixture for every home and office.

    Please support the calendar campaign allowing us to distribute it widely, strengthening Jewish identity and community. 

    There are several ways you can support the calendar campaign: 
    1. Sponsor or dedicate a page send us a sponsorship or dedication message.
    2. Place a personal Greeting wishing everyone a Shana Tova.
    3. Place your family occasions on date of occurrence, i.e. birthdays, anniversaries and Yartzeits (in loving memory of a loved one)
    4. Advertise your business – see below the various opportunities 

    Our deadline is September 13, 2024 so that we can have the calendar ready in time for the High Holidays! 

    Thank you for your participation and partnering with Chabad for a bright Jewish future, 

  • Yes, I would like to sponsor a page

    Please write the sponsorship or dedication message below

  • Personal Greetings

  • Birthdays/ Yahrtzeits

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